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Physical Fitness Assessment Lab

Physical Fitness Assessment Lab

Q The purpose of this lab is for you to measure, evaluate and reflect upon your overall health-related physical fitness. The results of this lab are not exact and should only be viewed as an estimate. However, the results can be used to identify potential concerns related to your physical wellness. Health-Related Fitness Assessment Health related fitness includes five components: Cardiovascular Health, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility, and Body Composition. When you have completed this lab, you should have performed and recorded results for the following fitness components: Cardiovascular Health/Endurance • 3 Minute Step Test Muscular Strength and Endurance • Curl-Ups • Push-Up Flexibility • V Sit and Reach Body Composition • Body Mass Index • Body Fat PROCEDURES All physical fitness testing components will be administered and performed at home. After physically completing each test component, you will record and submit the results with your reflective summary. Please notify your instructor if there are any medical condition you may have that will prevent you from completing the fitness tests components. Appropriate documentation/verification must be provided to excuse you from participation. Procedures are described on the following page. 2 Protocols for Administering Physical Fitness Tests KIN 120/121: Concepts of Wellness 60 Second Curl Up Test Based on the Eurofit Fitness Testing Battery Purpose: The curl up test measures abdominal muscular strength and endurance. Equipment: floor mat or flat ground, stopwatch, partner to hold feet. Administration: The participant lies on a cushioned, flat, clean surface with knees flexed, usually at 90 degrees or feet about 12 inches from buttocks. A partner may assist by anchoring the feet to the ground. The arms are crossed over the chest, with hands on shoulders The participant raises the trunk in a smooth motion, keeping the arms and hands in position, curling up so that the elbows touch the thighs, just below the knees. The trunk is lowered back to the floor so that the shoulder blades or upper back touch the floor. The aim of this test is to perform as many correct curl-ups as you can in 60 seconds. Scoring: The maximum number of correctly performed sit ups in 60 seconds is recorded. The sit up will not be counted if the subject fails to reach the correct position, fails to keep their hands on their shoulders, arch or bow your back and raise your buttocks off the ground to raise your upper body, or fail to touch the elbows to the knees simultaneously. 90° Angle Push Up (60 seconds) Purpose: The 90° angle push up test measures upper body strength and endurance. Equipment: Clean flat surface. Administration: The participant assumes a prone position on the mat with hands placed slightly wider than the shoulders, fingers stretched out, legs straight and slightly apart, and toes tucked under. The student pushes up off the mat with the arms until arms are straight, keeping the legs and back straight. The back should be kept in a straight line from head to toes throughout the test. The participant then lowers the body using the arms until the elbows bend at a 90° angle and the upper arms are parallel to the floor. This movement is repeated as many times as possible in 60 seconds. 3 Participants are allowed to stop or pause due to natural fatigue, and continue within the 60 seconds. Scoring: The score is the number of correctly performed 90° push-ups in 60 seconds. It is important to maintain consistency with all participants. 3 Minute Step Test Purpose: The 3-minute step test measures aerobic fitness using a simple test requiring minimal equipment and space. Equipment: The step or platform used needs to be of solid construction, and can vary in height between 12-20 inches. Aerobic steps, stairs, or a high curb can be used. A stopwatch is needed and a pre-recorded cadence is ideal, but optional. There are a variety of free phone metronome apps that can be used to determine cadence. A cadence of 130 bpm should be kept. Administration: The participant continually steps up and down on the platform, maintaining the 130 bmp for 3 minutes. Heart rate is recorded immediately following the 3-minute time period. The cadence should be maintained throughout the test. Scoring: The score or results are based on heart rate immediately after performance. Determine heart rate in 60 seconds. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) also has an equation for determining a person's total gross VO2 from the stepping rate and step height. V-Sit & Reach Purpose: This test measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings. Equipment: Correctly constructed sit and reach box. You can follow the description of the Sit and Reach at home, a simple version that can be done with minimal equipment. For more information on administering the sit and reach assessment at home, visit: and search for Sit and Reach. Administration: Shoes should be removed first. The participant sits on the floor with both legs extended and both feet flat against the measurement box. With hands placed on top of each other and palms facing down, the participant reaches slowly forward along the measuring line as far as possible. After 2-3 practice reaches, the next reach is held for at least one second while the distance is recorded. Scoring: The score is recorded in inches (to the nearest half inch) as the distance reached by the tip of the fingers. 4 Body Composition For an accurate measurement of your body composition, the Seca Body Composition Analyzer should be used. A general body composition or body mass index (BMI) can be obtained through traditional methods without the need of special equipment. For determining your BMI at home, you will need your height and weight. There are a number of website resources that you can use to input your height and weight and determine your BMI. Please take a moment to search the internet for one of these sources to obtain your BMI. If you would like to know the calculation for determining BMI: Convert your weight from pounds to kilograms. Your weight (in pounds) ÷ 2.2 = your weight (in kilograms). For example, 132 pounds ÷ 2.2 kilograms = 60 kilograms. Convert your height from inches to meters. Your height (in inches) ÷ 39.37 = your height (in meters). For example, 65 inches ÷ 39.37 meters = 1.65 meters. Calculate your Body Mass Index. Your weight (in kilograms) ÷ [your height (in meters) x your height (in meters)] = BMI. For example, 60 kilograms ÷ (1.65 meters x 1.65 meters) = 22.03 If using a Seca Body Composition Analyzer or similar machine, the following measurements can be obtained: • Height • Weight • BMI • % Body Fat • Lean Mass Also, if using a Seca Body Composition Analyzer or similar machine, prior to obtaining body composition information, it is important that participants do not eat, drink, or engage in exercise 2 hours prior to measurement, as this will affect the results.

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